Together, we make change happen

We help you design, fund, and scale better solutions to complex social problems.

What we do

Three priorities for the new government

Our experience shows us that the new government can make meaningful change happen in three key areas: employment & skills, children & young people, and health & social care.

See our priorities

What we offer

Under one roof we provide a unique combination of skills to help you tackle complex and enduring social issues. Our team is experienced in building innovative partnerships that improve the outcomes that matter most to communities.

See what we can offer you
A group of people taking part in a meeting

Who we are

We are a not-for-profit team of over 130 people, united in our passion for making the world a fairer place. We have a huge breadth and depth of skills and experience, so we can treat every issue as unique and build a bespoke team to tackle each one.

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Our partners

We partner with local and national governments, commissioners, communities, service providers such as charities, socially-motivated investors, and philanthropic organisations.

See more of our partners
Social Finance understand the challenges involved with delivering complex change.

Mark Methven, Programme Lead, Changing Futures, Westminster Council 

Latest updates

Blogs and videos

Let’s make this the start of a new era for children with SEND

The number of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) continues to rise – more than 575,000 children now have education health and care (EHC) plans in place, and a further 1.2 million require SEND support. This growing demand coupled with inadequate funding and fragmented support systems has resulted in significant delays and unmet needs. It’s imperative that the government addresses these challenges head-on.

Blogs and videos

Our invisible children: It’ll take a seismic shift in how we think about children to truly see and support them

At Social finance we know that one of the biggest challenges facing those tasked with keeping our children safe is identifying who is at risk before crisis hits. The expected announcement of a national truant register” in the King’s Speech, will not be enough to create a prevention approach that sees and supports all children, many of whom never feature in the data sets.

Blogs and videos

Skills and employment with more devolution: how to make the change happen locally

The new Labour government has promised a skills revolution”, supported by greater devolution of skills and employment funding. They have also set a mission to break down barriers to opportunity and kickstart economic growth. This will only be possible by ensuring high quality skills and employment opportunities are available to local residents.

Ready to make an impact?

Our work measurably improves lives. Get in touch to find out more about what we offer and how we can help you.

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