Global Network

The Social Finance Global Network includes sister organisations in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands, all working to tackle complex social and developmental issues. 
A globe on which the continent of Africa and south Asia are visible

Since the launch of the first social impact bond in 2010, interest in the model has grown worldwide. The formation of the Social Finance Global Network, which includes Social Finance UK, Social Finance US, Social Finance Israel, and Social Finance Netherlands, reflects the increased demand for social outcomes contracts and other forms of innovative financing. 

The Social Finance Global Network has developed and launched more social outcomes contracts than any intermediary organisation in the world, and is a global thought leader on how social investment can be deployed to tackled complex social and developmental issues.

Members work closely together to advance social outcomes contracts and other innovative financing solutions worldwide. We work with local intermediaries in different countries to support the development of the model in those countries, and advise on how it can be adapted and used to tackle pressing social problems in different communities and contexts. 

The network also works closely with the members of our International team who focus on developing and structuring development impact bonds, aimed at addressing global development challenges.

Find out more

For more information on the Social Finance Global Network, please contact Jane Newman.

Contact Jane

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