Through this process, we have thus far created two tools that are accessible to all 152 local authorities. We are currently developing more tools.
A free, web-based tool which allows children‘s services analysts to quickly see estimates of demand for residential, fostering, and supported accommodation placements up to three years out, and model changes they are considering – such as the creation of in-house provision, or a step-down service
The placement demand modelling tool:
- Automatically calculates the demand forecasts for sufficiency analysis.
- Supports commissioners to secure appropriate budgets for services.
- Helps commissioners to see and communicate the business case for a new or changed service.
A free, web-based tool which allows analysts to check their SSDA 903 data (the statutory return used to report on looked after children) throughout the year and fix errors as they arise.
The cleaning tool:
- Improves data quality.
- Distributes work across the year that is otherwise crammed into a three-month submission window, saving time.