Outcomes-focused partnerships
We bring together diverse people and organisations to bring about outcomes you all want to see.
Outcomes-focused partnerships, and the approach we use to co-design them, enable lasting change across whole systems in issues such as housing, health or education.
We can connect people, communities and organisations, who may not ordinarily work together, in a partnership of equals. We then help partnerships to:
- Benefit from and act on communities’ expertise to ensure services are designed around real needs and can deliver great outcomes efficiently.
- Create frameworks to govern how the different parties will work together to bring about social impact and improve lives.
- Navigate complex systems, overcome barriers, and build momentum for lasting and widespread change.
Working with you, we design contracts that support and motivate everyone to achieve the desired outcomes, but leave freedom and flexibility as to how it is done. This can:
- Enable a test and learn approach followed by sustaining and scaling effective practices.
- Allow partners to react and adapt to real world changes rather than stick to pre-defined activities that might no longer work.
- Support community commissioning so that services are better coordinated and decision-making power is devolved to local people.
- Facilitate the sharing of data, learning and skills to drive improvements across a whole ecosystem.
- Encourage innovation and creativity.
- Help to build markets.