The routes to scale framework

The framework outlines our definition of success and the means to achieve it. It starts with the big end goal – defining the change you want to see – and works back through to the foundations that are needed to underpin the work.
It addresses the following questions:
Impact at scale
What is it, and how can you tell when you get there?
Building blocks
What are the milestones to scaling impact in an issue?
Strategic levers
What are the different strategies that you can use to put in place the building blocks of impact at scale?
What are the foundations on which the most effective change efforts have been built?
The routes to scale framework is a useful strategic tool in planning efforts towards impact at scale… The broad range of strategic levers make it relevant across a range of scenarios, at both the organisation and field level.
Social Ventures Australia, Frameworks for understanding impact at scale
The framework includes approaches that are traditionally categorised as systems change, movement building or operational scaling. It is intentionally comprehensive, spanning domains where Social Finance works, but also many others where we do not, or do not have expertise. For us, this is an important part of recognising that impact at scale is a collaborative endeavour that transcends organisational boundaries.
In our companion report, Building routes to scale, we walk through the framework and share over 20 examples that have achieved or are making progress towards impact at scale, as well as setting out our key learnings about what it takes to shift systems for the long term in order to make change for people and communities
For further information about lasting impact at scale, see our system change roadmap and case study report series, Changing lives, changing systems.