Flippa Watkeys
She has been working in the NHS in mental health in a variety of roles for over 30 years. More recently, she has been setting up and leading an IPS service in Plymouth.
Flippa has a clinical background as an Occupational Therapist and has also worked in strategic level posts.
What are your hobbies and interests?
Sea swimming, yoga, outdoor circuit training (I’m also an L3 trainer), running and endurance events.
What would be your superpower?
If time travel were possible, which era would you go to?
The year 2523.
What do you do to unwind?
Watch TV.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My mum.
What’s your favourite board game?
Tricky – I’m not good at losing, so people usually take board games away from me :-)
What’s your speciality in the kitchen?
Which person in history would you most like to have met?
Florence Nightingale.
What technology has changed the world the most?
The microchip.