Tambe Tabitha Achere
She gained her coding skills from online resources during her time at university.
In the years before joining Social Finance, she volunteered her efforts into Google Women Techmakers (Buea, Cameroon) whose goal is to provide visibility, community and resources for women in technology.
Tambe joined Social Finance all the way from Cameroon and brings to the team coding and analytical skills. She has largely worked on building tools for the children’s social care sector.
Your ideal dinner party guest(s)?
My parents and their friends.
If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
Playing the cello.
What are your hobbies and interests?
Taking walks and reading books.
What would be your superpower?
If time travel were possible, which era would you go to?
AD 1 – where it all began.
What do you do to unwind?
Eat nice food.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Jesus Christ.
What’s your favourite board game?
What’s your speciality in the kitchen?
Adding the spice.
Which person in history would you most like to have met?
Thomas Sankara is in second place.
What technology has changed the world the most?
Period tracker apps.