Health and Social Care Social Investment Hub

Everything you need to know about social investment in the Health and Social Care sector. Find FAQs, reports & case studies – all in one place. 

Social Finance has partnered with the Connect Fund to develop a comprehensive resource hub that demystifies social investment in the Health and Social Care sector.

Social investment in Health and Social Care funds new or improved interventions to enhance health outcomes and deliver financial benefits. Social investment emphasises rigorous outcome measurement, flexibility, experimentation, and accountability for impact. 

Watch this video to hear from a funder, an NHS commissioner and a delivery organisation about their experience of social investment.

Key Resources for Social Investors

Social investment can provide a route for mission focussed organisations who are looking to diversify their funding strategies. 

If you are considering becoming a social investor, to help you get started, we’ve put together a guide to power and partnering and have answered some frequently asked questions. 

Power and Partnering: a guide for Social Investors

Click here

FAQs: Social Investors

Click here

Case Study

Key Resources for Delivery Organisations

Are you a statutory body or a Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) organisation seeking social investment to deliver impact for the communities you serve? 

We’ve pulled together some frequently asked questions we hear from service providers considering social investment:

FAQs: Service Delivery Organisations

Click here

Is outcomes based funding right for me?

Click here

Case Study

For more information about social investment please explore the following:

Please get in touch

We want to keep adding resources to the Hub to demystify social investment and make the sector more equitable and accessible. If there are existing resources we may not know of or new resources you would like to see here please let us know.

Contact us

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