Building England’s IPS sector to help more people into jobs
Developing, scaling and managing the national roll-out of Individual Placement and Support so more people get and keep jobs after being unwell.
IPS Grow is a national programme launched in 2019 by Social Finance to support the expansion of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services in mental health, primary care, and drug and alcohol teams across England. The latest phase of the programme will run until 2029.
I was over the moon about getting this job — getting back to work was so important for my recovery and my mental stability. Working in a library has been my dream and I am so happy this was recognised by my IPS worker and she made this happen.
Service user supported by an NHS IPS Employment Specialist, Oxford Health IPS Employment & Job Retention Service
The IPS Grow programme is led by Social Finance and has a community of 2000 members.
The programme was developed as a way of bringing health and employment services together to help solve a systemic problem – namely that people with severe mental illness, find it harder to secure paid work — using Individual Placement and Support (IPS) which is a tried and tested employment model.
When setting up IPS Grow, Social Finance was able to build on learnings from two other IPS programmes it was involved with – the Health Employment Partnerships (HEP) and the Mental Health Employment Partnership (MHEP). Although it’s important to note that HEP and MHEP were both Social Impact Bonds, or social outcomes partnerships, whilst IPS Grow is funded directly.
Officially launched IPS Grow in January 2019 after procurement by DWP in late 2018
Individuals supported into employment by IPS in 2023/24 Source: NHS England
What makes IPS Grow unique is that it’s jointly funded by NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). This cross-sector funding has allowed us to foster a culture of partnership-working.
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Employment Specialists are recruited directly into NHS or third sector-run employment services, and work with clients referred to them by health professionals. The majority of services focus on people severe mental illness, but there are also services for those with drug and alcohol addiction and for people with other health issues.
The IPS Grow team provides expert advice to help services when they set up; as they progress to achieve fidelity to the IPS model; and to help them achieve the best job outcomes for their clients.
I was able to help with strategy of how to increase referrals, how to integrate into the local area with employers, and support agencies as well as the DWP. A year down the line and it is now one of the top performing area for referrals and outcomes across the county. It has been great to see the Employment Specialists go from doubting themselves in the early days as referrals were slow, to now flourishing while maintaining a high standard of fidelity.
Jerome Johnson, IPS Employment Specialist & Team Leader, NHS Derbyshire Healthcare Work Your Way Employment Service
The IPS Grow team works with dozens of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services across England so that IPS Employment Specialists like Jerome, are able to give the best support to their clients as well as developing themselves professionally.
Everyone involved is invested in getting positive outcomes for the individual which in turn leads to benefits across the system and in wider society.
The NHS video below explains the role of an IPS Employment Specialist who supports clients with severe mental illness.