Outcomes-based funding
The Maternity Transformation Fund will use blended finance to fund a portfolio of interventions. If achieved, pre-set, measurable, outcomes (pertaining to maternal and neonatal care improvements and value creation for the health system) will trigger payments to the Fund by the outcomes funder; initially, in this case, Oxford University Hospitals.
During the life of the Fund, outcomes payments will also be recycled in the Fund, delivering a modelled £12 million in services over six years for £5 million of initial financing.
An outcomes-based model, unique in maternity, can: provide crucial NHS resources in the context of inadequate maternity funding; shift the focus towards prevention; offer multi-year investment for outcomes-based contracts; empower communities and health teams; and drive accountability for performance and spending.
Funded interventions
The Fund will initially include an inspiring portfolio of clinician and service user-led interventions. The interventions focus on prevention, equity, mental health, and person-centred care.
- AI-enabled continuous risk assessment tool, widely used, with appropriate clinical action; this has the potential to half stillbirth rates.
- A strengthened community support offer responding to inequalities in access, experience and outcomes in maternity care for women from underserved communities.
- A neonatal virtual ward to provide care in the community (where appropriate) for premature babies; families together and improving system efficiencies and breastfeeding rates.
A pipeline of further nationally scalable interventions, co-produced with service users, is in development to supplement this portfolio.